Making the leap from student to employee can be a rather stressful endeavor. Discovering how to navigate this new world of work is a challenge. “How do you balance excelling in your work with maintaining your personal wellbeing?” a scholar asked. “Give yourself downtime. You are all very hard working and shouldn’t slack off, but you deserve downtime,” Shota replied. “You have to be able to process all of your work and the things happening in your life. If you’re not happy, that means something needs to change. If you’ve been unhappy at a job for a long time, it might be time to look for a different place of work. Work, life – it all goes together. You have to find a balance,” he explained. “You have to ask yourself ‘why’,” Marlena added. “Why do I like this? Why do I want to be doing this? Be extremely honest with yourself. If the answer to your ‘why’ is that you think this is what people expect of you, or because you are looking for status, and not because you wake up so motivated to do your work each day, it may be time for change,” she said honestly. “You have to be able to stop comparing yourself to others. If you are always comparing yourself to other people, you will never be happy. You are all obviously very talented- that is why you’re here. What is important is to not let what others are doing make you feel as though you have to follow the exact same route in your career path. The pressure to preform well will never go away, but the way you fight that off is by continually asking yourself what makes you happy and what goals you have for yourself.”
Alumni’s Words of Wisdom:
Networking is a round the clock job, and the person you need to meet for the next step in your career could be anywhere.
Stay true to yourself.
You might surprise yourself with what you love.
Never burn any bridges.
If you really love what you are doing, it won’t feel like work.
Work, life – it all goes together. You have to find a balance.