With our rapidly expanding list of partner schools, we proudly support a portfolio of 60+ colleges and universities that include both the top retail, design and fashion programs in the country and many of the most respected business schools. We provide our scholars with access to the most prestigious network of senior executives across the fashion industry who commit meaningful and intimate time to our scholars through a series of events that are second to none.
Academy of Art University, School of Fashion - Jinah Oh, Joh@academyart.edu
Auburn University - Pamela Ulrich, ulricpv@auburn.edu
Barnard College - Jennifer Lech, jlech@barnard.edu
Brandeis University - Alan Bertman, abertman@brandeis.edu
Brown University - Brendan McNally, brendan_mcnally@brown.edu
Buffalo State, SUNY - Keunyoung Oh, ohk@buffalostate.edu
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona - Muditha Senanayake, mudithas@cpp.edu
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona - Ann Kristin Erdmann, aerdmann@cpp.edu
Clark Atlanta University - Chanithia Holt, cholt@cau.edu
Colorado State University - Kevin Kissel, kevin.kissel@colostate.edu
Columbia College in Chicago - Dana Connell, dconnell@colum.edu
Columbus College Art & Design - Suzanne Cotton, scotton@ccad.edu
Cornell University - Kimberly Pheonix, kah22@cornell.edu
Drexel University (Merchandising) - Christine Baeza, cdb93@drexel.edu
Drexel University (Design) - Cynthia Golembuski, cag48@drexel.edu
Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising - Roni Miller Start, rmiller@fidm.edu
Fashion Institute of Technology (Merchandising) - Robin Sackin, robin_sackin@fitnyc.edu
Florida State University - Ann Langston, alangston@fsu.edu
George Brown College - Rosa Fracassa, rfracass@georgebrown.ca
Hamilton College - Cheney Cronin, ccronin@hamilton.edu
Harvard University - Amy DiGiovine, adigiovine@fas.harvard.edu
Indiana University, School of Art and Design - Deb Christiansen, delchris@indiana.edu
Iowa State University - Ann Thye, annthye@iastate.edu
Jefferson University - Sheila Connelly, connellys@philau.edu
Kent State University - Kim Hahn, khahn6@kent.edu
Kent State University - Rachel Lomonac, rlomonac@kent.edu
Lehigh University - Nevena Koukova, nek205@lehigh.edu
LIM College - Marla Greene, marla.greene@limcollege.edu
Marist College - Jodi Hartmann, Jodi.Hartmann1@marist.edu
Miami International University of Art & Design - Charlene Parsons, cparsons@aii.edu
Morehouse College - Christina Womack, Christina.Womack@morehouse.edu
New York University (Gallatin School) - Yevgeniya Traps, yt21@nyu.edu
New York University (Stern School) - Kimberly Maes, kmaes@stern.nyu.edu
North Carolina State University - Jeff Sackaroff, jeff_sackaroff@ncsu.edu
Oklahoma State University - Diane Morton Limbaugh, diane.morton@okstate.edu
Otis College of Art & Design - Karen Burdett, kburdett@otis.edu
Otis College of Art & Design - Mitra Rajabi, mrajabi@otis.edu
Parsons School of Design - Amani Gheith, gheitha@newschool.edu
Pratt Institute - Emily Mader, emattson@pratt.edu
Purdue University - Kristofer Chang Alexander, kristofer@purdue.edu
Rhode Island School of Design - Lisa Morgan, lmorgan@risd.edu
Santa Clara University - Cynthia Gamage, Cgamage@scu.edu
Savannah College of Art & Design (Savannah Campus) - Doris Treptow, dtreptow@scad.edu
Savannah College of Art & Design (Atlanta Campus) - Tenley Gilstrap, tgilstrap@scad.edu
Spelman College - Sharon Lightfoot, slightf1@spelman.edu
Stephens College - Maggie Holper, mholper@stephens.edu
Syracuse University - Jeffrey Mayer, jcmayer@syr.edu
Texas A&M University - Atlay Dikec, adikec@mays.tamu.edu
The Ohio State University - Alexandra Ruiz Suer, suer.15@osu.edu
The University of North Carolina Greensboro - Trish Kemerly, tkemerly@gmail.com
The University of Texas, Austin - Sara Stevens, s3@utexas.edu
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania - Susan McMullen, mcmullen@wharton.upenn.edu
University of Arizona - Kylee Vanek, kvanek@email.arizona.edu
University of California, Berkeley - Renee Camarena, renee@haas.berkeley.edu
University of California, Los Angeles - Angela Campbell, adeaver@college.ucla.edu
University of Cincinnati, Fashion Design School - Zachary Hoh, hohzd@ucmail.uc.edu
University of Cinncinati, Business School - Dianne Hardin, leethad@ucmail.uc.edu
University of Colorado, Leeds Business School - Gina Bortel, gina.bortel@colorado.edu
University of Delaware - Brenda Shaffer, bshaffer@udel.edu
University of Florida - Cecila Shulz, cecilia,schulz@warrington.ufl.edu
University of Georgia - Greg Vessels, gvessels@uga.edu
University of Minnesota - Elizabeth Bye, ebye@umn.edu
University of Minnesota - Jaye Thompson, parod005@umn.edu
University of Missouri - Hope Horn, hornh@missouri.edu
University of North Texas - Jana Hawley, jana.hawley@unt.edu
University of Southern California - Dennis Schorr, Dschorr@marshall.usc.edu
University of Washington - Emily Smith, emily42@uw.edu
University of Wisconsin, Madison (Retailing School) - Jerry O'Brien, gobrien@wisc.edu
University of Wisconsin, Madison (Fashion Design School) - Holly Easland, heasland@wisc.edu
Virginia Commonwealth University - Deidra Arington, dwarrington@vcu.edu
Washington University in St. Louis - Casey Jenkerson, caseyjenkerson@wustl.edu
West Virginia University - Katie Jones, kathryn.jone@mail.wvu.edu
Yeshiva University - Melanie Zuckerman, melanie.zuckerman@yu.edu